The Republican lawmakers, led by Peter J. Schmitt, said a tax increase of only 5 percent was necessary.
Black lawmakers, led by Mary Pinkett, whose district includes part of Crown Heights, balked at the measure, saying it would inflame racial tensions.
Several lawmakers, led by Senator Richard G. Lugar, an Indiana Republican, raised concerns about Russia's ability to destroy or safely store its warheads.
One early legislative test will be the push by many lawmakers, led by Senator John McCain, an Arizona Republican, for an overhaul of campaign finance laws.
In the past, some powerful lawmakers, led by Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, were able to resist such efforts to wall off the government, its museums and monuments.
In 1998, several lawmakers, led by Mr. Silver, sued the governor after he vetoed more than 1,300 lines in that year's spending plan.
Democratic lawmakers, led by Assemblywoman RoAnn M. Destito, from the Utica area, have called for hearings into the awarding of the contract.
Some lawmakers, led by Sheldon Silver, Democrat from Manhattan, refuse to exempt the plant.
The lawmakers, led by a bipartisan coalition, cut $37.5 million from the spending plan, reducing a projected 27 percent increase in county taxes to 17 percent.
Other lawmakers, led by Senators Joseph I. Lieberman and John McCain, are pushing to create a 14-member independent commission.