Lawmakers have introduced more than 30 energy bills in the last several months.
In Congress, lawmakers have introduced at least two or three bills designed to block the sale.
Lawmakers of both parties have introduced bills to prevent the cuts, but they are far from agreement.
Lawmakers have introduced more than 1,500 election reform bills in state legislatures this year.
Republican lawmakers have introduced bills that would legalize the program after the fact.
In recent weeks, lawmakers in Washington introduced legislation that would provide up to $328 million to clean the sea.
Lawmakers in 18 states introduced bills, but passage was achieved in only 3.
Last year, lawmakers introduced more than 17,000 bills; fewer than a thousand passed both houses.
Lawmakers typically introduce government regulation when the industry's voluntary system will not or can not solve a serious problem.
Lawmakers in several states have introduced bills to require Wal-Mart to spend more on employee health insurance.