The lawmakers have adopted amendments that would limit the circumstances under which data could be kept beyond the required time needed for billing purposes.
In a recent session, lawmakers adopted measures to reduce rates, including letting Citizens Insurance charge lower rates than private insurers.
Instead, lawmakers adopted a budget on Aug. 4, 126 days into the current fiscal year, tying the record for lateness.
But even if Mr. Bush persuades lawmakers to adopt that course, many other thorny issues will still need to be resolved.
Without debate, lawmakers in the Assembly adopted the legislation, worth $1.79 billion, by a vote of 102 to 45, more than the two-thirds majority needed.
The Senator said he would like the tax to be repealed before lawmakers adopt a new state budget by the end of the month.
Ultimately, lawmakers adopted the Senate version of the measure, which did not include those provisions.
Many influential lawmakers have adopted the industry's view on the likelihood of a serious contraband problem.
Legislators and prosecutors say the landmark reforms that state lawmakers have adopted mean it is time to begin executions again.
The state board has asked Mr. Gulotta and the lawmakers to adopt a three-year plan by next Thursday.