Mormon leaders sent him to what was then called "Amity" because he had been a sheriff in St. George, Utah, before and there were a lot of lawless gangs in the area.
Several were murdered by rebels or lawless gangs.
Kidnappings have indeed been a major hazard in southern Russia - and a major business for many of the lawless gangs that have roamed Chechnya and the region.
Their small garden has become an oasis in the ruined city, coveted by the packs of starving, lawless gangs outside.
From the moment these thuggish street fighters make their first kill - and get tattooed to celebrate their blooding - it's no surprise that they begin transforming themselves into a lawless gang of shooters.
A major part of the problem we see on the streets can be traced to a deliberate abandonment of many city areas to lawless gangs.
Half said the police in their communities behaved like "a lawless gang."
A lawless gang at liberty so close to a royal palace was in any case unlikely enough, and Cadfael was liable to brood on the unlikely.
We've been force-fed some mighty powerful "drugs" to keep us quiet while we're being mugged by this lawless gang of CEOs.
After being tortured by the lawless gang for several days, Beleg is on the verge of death when Túrin returns.