Some children go to school totally unprepared to learn to do interesting, productive things in law-abiding lives.
"We're talking about a man who has led a law-abiding life here for 42 years or more."
In Australia, everyone is in search of a quiet, law-abiding life.
In many cases, they said, women who led otherwise law-abiding lives must learn to live like fugitives.
"Now there is a general feeling that he appears capable of leading a law-abiding life."
He apologised for his criminal record and said he wanted to start a new, law-abiding life as a bus driver or security guard.
That way, ex-offenders will have the tools they need to lead law-abiding lives on the outside.
Why should he, Graham Wellerton, attempt to live a law-abiding life?
After his release Reed became an evangelist, preaching the rewards of living a respectable, law-abiding life.
He's led a law-abiding life for the last two years.