Company executives have also testified that environmental laws have not impeded expansion plans.
He also said the law impeded the Klan's ability to attract new members.
Existing criminal laws may impede investigation due to bureaucratic processes and procedures.
But other scientists and drug company executives say the new laws may impede research that could yield immense therapeutic benefits.
The high court said it could not find the current laws unfairly impeded corporate owners from engaging in political activity.
The executives said they feared that the law would impede the flow of information to the public.
Taken strictly, such laws would greatly impede practically all business; in practice, they are only erratically enforced.
The musicians' union, complaining that the law impedes employment and artistic expression, has challenged the licensing law in court.
They also noted that critics predicted that the 1994 law would impede cell phone innovation, but that technology continued to improve.
Second, there is no persuasive evidence that tough environmental laws impede efficiency or economic growth.