The patent office can reject an application only if it is positively satisfied that the applicant is not by law entitled to a patent.
Nevertheless, the judge based his ruling against the Allstate release on a section of federal law entitled "the Older Workers' Benefit Protection Act."
The new law, entitled "Perpetual Edict ... for the Preserving of Freedom" was enacted on August 5, 1667.
Thus came into force the famous law entitled De Judaeis, which forms the thirty-eighth article of the laws of the Diet of 1790-1791.
Proposed law entitled "An Act to alter the Constitution to enable the Commonwealth to borrow money for, and to grant financial assistance to, local government bodies".
Mr. Levenfeld said the law entitled Mr. Fortunato to take additional time and the company expected him to do so.
However, that's what the Irish nation is according to their laws entitled to through a referendum.
Notary in Ukraine is based on the guidelines set forth by the law entitled "On Notariate".
In 2010, Congress was considering a new law entitled the Safe Chemicals Act.