The new law also empowered parliament to veto any government decision on direct links within 30 days.
The law empowered the authorities to confiscate newspapers, close down news providers, and arrest journalists.
Since federal law empowers unions with the right to strike, the use of violence to secure higher pay and benefits was not extortion.
The law protects communities and empowers local officials to oversee large, often intrusive, projects in the city's neighborhoods.
The law also empowers courts to provide for temporary maintenance to survivors of domestic violence.
British laws in 1711 and 1837 empowered the government to issue warrants to read mail.
But the same law empowers the Chancellor to set minimum standards for all districts.
"If the law empowers a person to do something, can he prohibit it?"
The law, he said, empowered educators by identifying students who needed special help and resources.
But existing law also empowers the President to take, leave or adjust the recommendation.