Whenever people acted together with a view to profit, the law deemed that a partnership arose.
The old law deemed as long-term assets those that were held for at least one year and a day.
The new law deems the short sale to be a "constructive sale" of the stock.
Have they never desired anyone outside the age range that local law and custom deemed suitable?
If the law deems a promise to be void, it is not sufficient consideration.
In turn, investors needed laws guaranteeing a fair return on investments deemed necessary and prudent.
The nexus of free speech and what the law deems to be criminal activity is a sensitive area, police officials concede.
Because laws at the time deemed the accused to be an incompetent witness, Frankie was not permitted to testify in her own defense.
The civil law deems that the victim did not intend.
That way, locals still contribute what the law deems a fair share of each rebuilding dollar.