The parties argued that the law conflicted with existing aviation treaties and a swath of other agreements and principles.
Not surprisingly, the Supreme Court ruled that the law creating the special district conflicted with the constitutional separation of church and state.
The document the committee drafted was a conservative declaration that the colonial government was essentially sovereign except where its laws conflicted with English law.
The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, therefore other laws and edicts cannot conflict with it.
But in general, when local laws conflicted with the rules in the tax code, "the federal law applies, period."
These norms rooted from Natural Law principles, and any laws conflicting with it should be considered null and void.
If their laws conflict with each other, the law made by the Union Government will prevail.
The freedom to provide services is directly effective, meaning that member states must ensure that national laws do not conflict with the provisions.
These laws do not conflict with the High Court's 1943 decision that no student can be penalized for declining to take the pledge.
In the United States, such a law would likely conflict with the freedom of speech that is guaranteed in the First Amendment.