The flourishing bourgeoisie paid for lavish, ostentatious buildings, many of them in the unique, Modernista style.
Temple ritual continued unabated in the new and lavish building.
Oddly enough, in the last two centuries some of the most lavish buildings and a few of the most significant have been built to perish.
Dubai real estate is well known worldwide because of its lavish buildings, rapid growth, and quick returns.
Schools on the North Side have lavish new buildings and well-prepared staffs.
It was a lavish, four-story building with 30 guest rooms.
Though he had never been here before, he had heard it was an extraordinarily lavish building both inside and out.
Putrajaya - the administrative centre of Malaysia, known for its lavish buildings, bridges and man-made lakes.
Along with gardens, the hill was also the site of many lavish buildings.
They bought the first one they saw, a condominium in the Griffin, a lavish 1925 building at 39th and Park.