In a lavish, globe-trotting adaptation of a suspense novel by Cornell Woolrich, Ms. Deneuve plays the apparent mail-order bride ("You're not disappointed?")
The series averaged some nine million viewers, making it the highest-rated period drama since the lavish, eleven-hour 1981 adaptation of Evelyn Waugh's "Brideshead Revisited."
This lavish adaptation, starring Helena Bonham Carter, pours on the finery and picturesque scenery.
"ANASTASIA" Can a lavish animated adaptation of the 1956 Ingrid Bergman film about a woman claiming to be an exiled Russian princess stir children's imaginations?
This included lavish adaptations of Croatian literary classics such as Kiklop (1982) and Glembajevi (1988).
The company began at a small studio in Esher and started its production cycle with four comparatively lavish adaptations of popular novels.
Ray Winstone on the BBC's lavish adaptation.
This film was a lavish adaptation of Henry VIII.
Re-live the romance and drama of Andrew Davies' lavish adaptation, starring Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle.