Lavender Q. What can I do to increase the number of flowers on my lavender plants?
I've got a couple of lavender plants, which in the clay soil of my back garden have grown better than I expected them to.
Try our lavender plants, wild meadow seed selection or the beautiful tea tree.
But be careful about overfertilizing lavender plants.
Lazy Lavender Q. I have a three-year-old lavender plant that produced only a single spike of bloom last year.
"It may be different from another lavender plant that grows in my yard," Ms. Lucca said, gingerly taking a bite.
His wife, Henriette, was behind him carrying a pickax, a ball of string, and a tub filled with young lavender plants.
The Christmas lights also represent lavender plants.
The bushy lavender plants growing around the foundation had recently been trimmed into a neat hedge.
The name comes from the flower of the lavender plant.