Protection of the laurel forests and an effective ban on hunting enabled an increase in numbers.
Often described as a "living museum", luxuriant laurel forest covers about 70 per cent of the park.
Some laurel forests are a type of cloud forest.
Mature laurel forests typically have a dense tree canopy and low light levels at the forest floor.
In the Mediterranean there are other areas with species adapted to the same habitat, but which do not form a laurel forest.
Hints: Look for birds flying low and fast over laurel forest.
Protection of the laurel forests and a ban on hunting have enabled numbers to increase, although this species is still endangered.
Plants of the laurel forests must adapt to high rainfall and humidity.
This sea-land ecosystem has a laurel forest and over 200 species of seaweed.
This might have been an adaption to more terrestrial habits in the laurel forests.