A laundry owner who offered to clean used coats and distribute them to the poor said Friday he was overwhelmed by the response.
One laundry owner who pays a man to clean three of his New York operations is skeptical about the expense of attendants.
The laundry owner was unwilling to leave.
Well, Talker, you may be hot when you deal with a lot of half-scared laundry owners; but I'm telling you one thing straight.
The bylaw was a result of complaints from non-Chinese laundry owners who felt the Chinese laundries were too close to the town's centre.
An' the laundry owners handed Blitz the Bronx cheer.
Even though the Chinese laundry owners were usually not American citizens, the court ruled they were still entitled to equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment.
She was defeated by Willie B. Cochran, a former police sergeant and laundry owner.
After six days, the laundry owners gave in to their demands and raised wages 25 percent.
But cobblers and laundry owners could be in trouble, and tobacco products should be avoided altogether.