The school then expanded to the laundry building at Smith.
There happened to be a bath-tub for the servants in the laundry building, and he electrified Joe by taking a cold bath.
The complex includes the former Sanford Mansion, laundry building, and carriage house.
Fifteen physician's cottages, a power house, kitchen, and laundry building were constructed in the 1950's.
An additional laundry building was added in 1969.
The power house and laundry building were at the extreme eastern point.
By 1894 the garden was completely covered by laundry buildings.
The laundry buildings consist of two long sheds running almost the full length of the former garden.
The old laundry building has also been preserved.
Included in the listing are four contributing barns, a laundry building, and two hitching posts.