Tsuchihashi then launched a major counter-offensive in an attempt to push the Australians into a corner on the south coast of the island.
It has recently launched a "daring and middle class" communication platform in an attempt to promote itself as being more contemporary.
During that time, the Japanese launched massive air attacks in an attempt to thwart the offensive.
Iran was expected to launch a major offensive early this year in an attempt to capture the Iraqi port city of Basra.
The series was launched in an attempt to attract more young viewers to Turner's older-skewing audience.
A manhunt was immediately launched in an attempt to locate the gunman.
The man was seized and straitjacketed while a boat was launched in an unsuccessful attempt to save the boy.
Many newspapers around the world launched online editions in an attempt to follow or stay ahead of their audience.
Besieged forces would sometimes launch sorties in an attempt to fire the attackers' camps or equipment.
I have launched informal consultations with China in an attempt to find a sustainable solution for all parties.