Iverson, the human blur, was erratic at times, launching bombs off the break or trying to force a shot in traffic.
They can be 'upgraded' to launch biological incendiary bombs at long range.
In addition to ashy tephra, Vulcanian eruptions will also launch football-sized pyroclastic bombs into the air.
But a landing grid could launch bombs or missiles as well as ships, and hence could defend its planet, absolutely.
As If by Radar Foley was able to launch bombs into a Syracuse secondary playing in zones and leaving deep receivers wide open.
Press the B Button to launch bombs from the inventory.
Who'd ever launch atomic bombs at us?
The Arachnus attacks by launching bouncing bombs.
Never was Richmond larger than tonight, launching bombs while his Western Conference teammates whooped and hollered and gave him the ball.
During the early Cold War, it was a Thor missile site, designed to launch atomic bombs against the Soviet Union.