The laughing man suddenly popped out from behind a pillar not far away, no doubt to help draw in the prey.
The people on the ship had no access to news, so the laughing man couldn't have heard that.
But the Chinatown section of that classic offers nothing to explain the laughing man.
He sent the laughing man to the ceiling and proceeded to check the programming work the other had performed.
Standouts include a laughing man and two self-portraits from the 20's.
I don't know which makes me sicker-a crying woman or a laughing man.
The two main characters are Miranda and the laughing man.
She calls him the "laughing man" for his tendency to laugh without cause.
They are even found working in a sandwich store at lunch and walking home from school while trying to avoid the laughing man.
He saw a laughing man leading a laughing boy of perhaps eight by the hand.