But she did reach under to remove what turned out to be a laughably small stone.
In terms of today's crazy ways, the sum in question would be laughably small.
Moander got you to free it, but it was so enfeebled that a laughably small group brought it down.
The money needed to fund Desad is laughably small compared to what is being spent on other medical problems.
Pay is laughably small and usually in arrears.
This was regarded as a laughably small sum.
The airport was laughably small after the Houston airport: four modest-sized public rooms linked together.
He considers them "a convenient, safe way to add stability to my laughably small investment portfolio."
When it was first explained to Mike, the sum of five hundred rubles or equivalent in materials seemed laughably small.
But the most impressive recent movie opening involves sums of money that seem, on the Hollywood blockbuster scale, laughably small.