He saw now that his plans had been laughably inadequate.
The $9,000 he offers is laughably inadequate to pay what he owes, his fines, or even his eventual legal fees.
In brief, Rhine's "controls" were laughably inadequate.
On Kane's warning she had provided herself with a silver dagger, although the weapon seemed laughably inadequate.
I was trying to think of any apology I could make that wouldn't be laughably inadequate.
That capacity, barely adequate for the software sold three years ago, is laughably inadequate for current software.
Everyone in Congress agrees that the $115 billion allotted by the administration is laughably inadequate, that a realistic program would cost hundreds of billions more.
The term giant seemed laughably inadequate.
The toys were laughably inadequate against maula pistols, flechette guns, and arrows.
We are faced with a mountain of dossiers, and the human resources available to us are laughably inadequate.