It's laughably easy to get a reputation as a thinker in Washington.
Then from the other side of the resolution, it all looked laughably easy.
About 480,000 times a year, bad guys find them desirable, too - and laughably easy to steal.
It was laughably easy for him to intervene, separating the two.
It was laughably easy to pick the lock, slip inside, and refasten the door behind him.
Slipping back into his old life had in fact been laughably easy.
The two juniors present, because it was their off-duty time, were laughably easy to read: they hadn't expected the chance to dine well tonight.
The decision is laughably easy, but detractors will call this an abdication of curatorial responsibility.
It had been laughably easy to knock her to the floor with a single blow to the face.
"It's laughably easy to talk of saving us from plots no one can prove one way or the other."