Brian saw they were all looking at him with a species of dreadful fascination, and he laughed uncomfortably.
The 19 students, seated in a U pattern, laughed uncomfortably.
He stopped dead, staring at the name that was written on the paper, then laughed uncomfortably.
The guard laughed uncomfortably and handed back the card.
There was a brief silence, and then Melodie laughed uncomfortably.
Michael laughed uncomfortably and slid the check toward him.
He laughed uncomfortably as he looked about him, seeing it all anew.
Then, realizing what he was doing, he laughed uncomfortably and turned, forcing himself to be still.
"It's just automatic, I suppose, when people are sick," she said, laughing uncomfortably.
She laughed uncomfortably, not only at his intensity, but because she knew he was in command here.