It was one of the few buildings to survive the American bombing of 1951, but was later washed away by flooding in 1986.
Pieces of the ship lay some distance from the wreck, and some items washed ashore days or even weeks later.
It is presumed the animal died whilst hibernating and that its body was later washed further into the underground network.
However, they all froze to death and were later washed ashore near the Åland Islands.
The grave and monument, however, were later washed away in 1960's Hurricane Donna.
Builders apparently filled it in with sand and gravel that may have later washed away.
There was a beach road here, later washed away, then succeeded by the tram line to Howth.
Many another ship was blown far out to sea, and three were never again seen, though some bodies later washed ashore.
Her body was washed ashore six weeks later at Moneypoint.
Henry Cutting's body was washed ashore at Eastbourne three months later.