Helio became known as "Spider-Man" because of this celebration, which has been repeated in his later victories.
In 1812 Knesebeck received new diplomatic task, the success of which would create the basis of the allies' later victories against Napoleon in 1813.
His later victory over servitude became the legal precedent in Massachusetts.
Thus, he missed Denmark's later victory in Euro 1992, following Yugoslavia's exclusion from the tournament due to the Yugoslav wars.
The boy was not canny enough to sacrifice Jehana simply for the effect of a later sure victory.
John Penns crew, reassigned to other ships, took part in later decisive naval victories.
His later victory at the Maipo battlefield cemented the country's freedom.
The surname may mean the Hammerer, from his later victories.
The later victory by the United States in the Cold War makes many of their articles remarkably prescient.
We won that competition with communism in space, an augury of our later victories in ideology and political power.