The leaves have a fresh scent of wintergreen and were later utilized by the white settlers as a tea substitute and stimulating caffeine-free beverage.
It was later utilized by the Canadians as a company command post during the battle as it developed.
In South Korea, where the detached lights were used at first, the integrated design was later utilized as a facelift.
The character first appeared in Superman comic books, and was later utilized in Starman.
These features were later utilized in construction of the famous Fieseler Fi 156 Storch.
The experience was later utilized in PWS-50 design.
Jack is later utilized by the Weapon X program as a mind-reader during the admissions process for captured mutants incarcerated in the "Neverland" concentration camp.
Victorian foresight was utilized nearly 80 years later.
Also, if a scene is deleted, the space allocated by it will be utilized later without the need of reformatting a disc.
It is only a thumb-rule to order systematically the decomposition to be sure that all the combinations appearing are utilized sooner or later.