There is also the supportive evidence of a later Greek tradition that skins had at one time been used as writing paper.
Oros' work was influential in the later Byzantine lexicographical tradition.
These two women became goddesses in later tradition, and has the power to grant anyone's wish.
Yet it is clear that things are not as straightforward as later Christian tradition would have one believe.
However, once that got twisted to 969 years by later tradition, we gained the "old as Methuselah" bit.
All the later tradition virtually depends on him.
In the later commentarial tradition, four other sites are also raised to a special status because Buddha had performed a certain miracle there.
The opposition to Sraosha is continued into the later tradition.
But in later tradition, these adjectives are integral to the names themselves.
This article provides an introduction to representations of Hercules in the later tradition.