He knew where to reach Cranston, if later testimony should be needed.
According to the later testimony of witnesses, the victims had been taken to an army barracks, where they were bullied, beaten and finally shot.
This seemed to be borne out by the witness's later testimony.
(By his own later testimony, Anderson was "a flaming liberal" when he wrote this story).
According to another accomplice's later testimony, all three participated in disposing of the evidence.
But in later testimony, she conceded, "I hope my husband is innocent and that I married the right man."
They were also covering themselves, rehearsing for later testimony, and laying the groundwork for the future.
By their own later testimony to an investigating committee appointed by the Mayor, police and fire officials allowed the blaze to burn out of control.
During later testimony, he often appeared tired while explaining the workings of the central bank to senators with little knowledge of the institution.
He said prosecutions were often based on evidence not on the form, like later testimony from the officer, the victim and other witnesses.