Oh, I know that he telephoned later and you talked to him, Grandpa.
It was there that he was spotted by Ms. Campbell, who later telephoned him at the counter when her regular makeup artist was unavailable.
O'Banion refused and later telephoned Genna and stated that he had better pay the debt in a week.
I told her that she was a snippy child, that I would telephone later, to receive her apology.
Even when he telephoned later in the evening, her talk was all of seeing her various children again and no word was said about the journey.
Someone later telephoned police anonymously, suggesting that police look in the sewers near the Degnan home.
Sarah telephoned an hour later, sounding strained and abrupt.
Mr. Bush later telephoned President Mikhail S. Gorbachev to get his assessment of the situation.
Quinn later telephoned Behal, apparently to apologize, and a spokesman for the National Hockey League said there would be no disciplinary action taken against him.
Steele later telephoned Limbaugh and apologized.