In these later tales the family is joined by Salome as Jesus' nurse.
Longer than the later tales, this one has a great many lively turns and a good surprise ending.
According to a later tale, Dmitriy blurted out his identity when his master had slapped him in anger.
Much of the work is loaded with black comedy and harsh irony, but the later tales are infused with empathy.
L. Sprague de Camp theorized that this bullying was the inspiration for his later tales of fighting and death.
A later tale tells of a research station on the surface of Jupiter.
Furthermore, the later tales transform the warriors from human figures into idealized heroes who embody the warrior ethic.
Those things in what could be called the past are ever present in the later tale, abolishing any differences.
Except, that is, in other guises - in later tales, and in the narrator's own excited speculations.
But there is no hint in later tales that Gunther is in any way maimed.