If the program was later syndicated nationally, the writer would receive 100 percent, making it possible to receive 150 percent of the normal payments.
It was later syndicated by the Artansa label, and 36 episodes remain in circulation today.
This series was purchased by Commonwealth Pictures in 1941 and was later syndicated for television.
The episode was later syndicated to local stations.
It premiered on October 31, 1982 and was later syndicated to cable television for rebroadcast.
From 1975 to 1981, these shorts were later syndicated to local television stations, mostly independent stations that ran large amounts of children's programming.
The series continued through 1964, and was later syndicated through to the present in 30 minute episodes.
It aired for 48 hours and was later syndicated.
Bobby's World ran for eight seasons on Fox and was later syndicated.
The cartoons originally were published in The Sun and were later syndicated.