He would later satirize his school peers in "The Maderati," which he insists is his only directly autobiographical work.
His 1976 song "The Pretender" predicted the yuppie phenomenon that he later satirized in the funny, ellipical "Lawyers in Love."
Although he was satirized later, he was not dismissed from these events.
Blake later satirized the Mathews, and the Johnson Circle and dinners, in 'An Island in the Moon'.
He was one of many young folksingers tagged as the "new Dylan" in the early 1970s, a fact that he later ruefully satirized in his song, "Talking New Bob Dylan", from History (1992).
NTN later satirized plea bargaining in the "Uncle SMS" case.
The site later satirized itself with a link to Who Do We Wrongly Think Is Behind NTN?
The Representative was launched on January 25, 1826, and apparently never had a proper editor-Disraeli quarrelled with Murray and later satirized him in a novel, Vivian Grey, as the "Marquess of Carabas."
Warhol later satirized the whole event in a subsequent movie, Women in Revolt, calling a group similar to Solanas's S.C.U.M., "P.I.G." (Politically Involved Girlies).