Andrew Dodd devised a plan to buy tobacco and store it for later sale at a higher price.
Instead, the Government sells mainly deposits and retains troubled loan portfolios for later sale.
There was no record of a later sale to Alvan Creede.
In 1829 the municipality of Gruppenbach acquired the ownership and reserved rights for later sale.
But the later sale of these assets will then shrink the deficit by a similar amount in future years.
A better wine that has been set aside by the producer for later sale, corresponding to the use of the term Reserve in many countries.
A later sale of his scripts, however, showed that the seemingly off-the-cuff remarks had all been meticulously planned.
On second thought the young man hesitated, as if he were going to place a small object in his pocket, keeping it for later sale.
The proposed change would have prevented the older couple from being evicted unless they had consented either to the mortgage or the later sale.
In the present climate the storage of beef for later sale will hot help to reduce volume, and do little for consumer confidence.