They appear together for the last time at the end of 988 and she was probably repudiated a year later in 989.
Such actions were later repudiated by both the order, and the government of Germany.
He wrote novels (later repudiating two of the early ones).
The deal was done on a handshake, which made it easy for him to repudiate later.
Some of their claims were later repudiated by the central registry office.
However, he later repudiated this sort of either/or position.
However Charles granted these terms only out of desperation and later repudiated them.
Acknowledgment of the transaction thus made cannot be repudiated later.
They tried to use military might to push through a very dubious land sale that the courts later repudiated.
They later repudiated the videotapes, which formed the core of the evidence against them at two trials in 1990.