The complex was damaged by a fire in 2006 and later remodeled to serve as a cultural center.
I suppose that when the apses were remodelled many years later it was easier to incorporate the soldiers into the architecture than to move them.
The mansion was remodeled a bit later, adding the covering of blue and white tiles.
The park was originally laid out in renaissance style, but later remodeled into barock style.
The current building dates to the late 15th century but was later remodelled in the Baroque fashion.
It was remodeled into the planet extinction weapon later and floats on Moad orbit.
Built as a "hall and parlor" originally, it was remodelled less than twenty years later to the central hall plan it has today.
The grounds remain mostly unchanged since the house was moved from its original site in 1894 and remodeled a year later.
The appearance of the upper floor was remodelled slightly two centuries later.
The house, which included an ice house and a peach house, was later remodelled, before being demolished in the 1950s.