A lot of the stricter regulations were either later relaxed, or deliberately ignored by prison staff.
Islamic dress code was made compulsory both for teachers and students, and it was later relaxed.
Unable to hit drones moving even in a straight line, the tests were later relaxed to hovering ones.
The remaining prisoners were strictly guarded for a time, but the guard was later relaxed, and all eventually escaped.
These rules were later relaxed in the 1965 Immigration Reform Act.
This law also banned under-18s from pubs after 9pm, a regulation that was highly unpopular and was later relaxed to 10pm during the summer months.
This was later relaxed so that all eight had to be either cardinals, archbishops or prelates.
In the Anglican and Lutheran churches this fasting rule was later relaxed.
Immediately following the death, British service members were advised not to wear their uniform in public, although that was later relaxed.
This was later relaxed after pressure was exerted by the international community.