Miller later reaffirmed his decision to retire.
The Middle States Commission later reaffirmed Gallaudet's accreditation on June 27, 2008.
Commercial Group later reaffirmed the album would be released in 2010.
Zureiq later reaffirms his thoughts on stagnant Arab society by stating:
Mr. Tung later reaffirmed that Radio Television Hong Kong would remain independent.
Muhammad later reaffirmed this title when he said that Abu Bakr is the 'atiqe' (the one saved from hell fire by God).
He later reaffirmed this in interviews.
A three-judge Ninth Circuit panel later reaffirmed the conviction.
This caused the release to be delayed, but Commercial later reaffirmed the album would be released in the US in 2010.
Mr. Shultz later reaffirmed the plan to reporters at the White House.