The work is often quoted by later painters, especially those in the late Renaissance and Mannerist schools.
He is also said to have led the way for later painters, such as Apollodorus.
He should not be confused with later painters called Brescianino.
Andromeda's plight, chained naked to a rock, became a favorite theme of later painters.
George Morland: and the evolution from him of some later painters (London: Seeley, 1898).
As with some later painters, in their hands the effect was of stillness and calm rather than the drama of the Baroque.
He was a court professional, a literatus, well-educated painter who developed an incredibly detailed system of idiomatic brushstrokes which became important for later painters.
By mid-century, the later painters changed their style from the idealized views of the earlier painters to more literal views of the mountains.
Many renowned later Chinese painters, like Qi Baishi, began their drawing lessons with the manual.
Unlike many later painters, Zurbaran did not care much about historical accuracy.