At first, the opposition was confined to ridicule and sarcasm but later morphed into active persecution.
Backweb later morphed into providing software updates, a precursor to the push update features used by various companies now.
The incident would later morph into a greater problem for de la Rosa, forcing him to retire with accident damage.
At some point, this was shortened to Soja, which later morphed into the current name.
They called themselves The Edge which eventually morphed into King's X several years later.
During the Second World War, it became a maternity hospital, which later morphed into a general hospital.
His cancer later morphed into throat cancer, resulting in Blass's death in 2002.
It later morphed into the Department of Employment.
Martin's project later morphed into the successful assassination plot.
On November 9, an eye feature developed in association with Sean, which later morphed into a ring of convection.