Romeo starts giving surfing lessons and later lends a large amount of money to his sister, which upsets Indi.
Durham later lent the English commander £138.
They later lent their support to the United Nations' efforts to fight human trafficking, a scourge the international organization estimates affects about 2.5 million people worldwide.
Interestingly, this fact would later lend credence to the theory that there was an idea floating around to ram the hijacked planes with a jet.
King James V also later lent his support by granting the university a royal charter in 1532.
The auction house later lent Mr. Bond $27 million to help pay for the work, using the painting as collateral.
The Khan of the Turks later lent him some soldiers, but the soldiers mutinied in the year 652.
Strain later lent her vocal talents to the movie, portraying the character modeled after her likeness.
This song would later lend its name to the title of Tucker's 1945 biography.
James later lends some credence to Georgina's concerns, admitting that the journey over muddy roads and the channel crossing "nearly killed [him]."