It examines the cultural and historic environment surrounding a text to find the author's original intent apart from any external concerns added by later interpretations.
I was locked up in my rooms with the past, desperate to make a record which might invite a later interpretation.
Only Supreme Court decisions have any direct effect on later interpretation of the law.
Instead, it relied on a later interpretation of the amended law by the State Attorney General.
For traditional and sentimental reasons, we will plump for the later interpretation.
She concludes that the phrasing of the question on German security lowers the confidence in the later interpretation.
Hence, references to Goethe's alleged recognition of magenta are later interpretations.
Following the later interpretation by some food and process engineers, the symbol may also be read the following way:
My later interpretation is that it was all part of the way they built an image.
Schweizer proposes that the temptation might include elements of both the later two interpretations.