As he spoke, two young police officers pulled up and walked into one of the buildings, emerging minutes later escorting a young man in handcuffs into a squad car.
She later escorted surrendered Italian ships from Malta to Alexandria.
A week later, she talked to a reporter, whom her father later escorted to the neighborhood subway stop.
The police later escorted the students safely from the area on five buses.
Rudi later escorted Muktananda on tour to Texas and California.
She later escorted troop convoys from North Africa to France before she joined her sisters at Malta.
Security guards escorted the man away an inning later.
She later escorted two gunboats from Camranh Bay to Hong Kong before returning to island surveillance duties.
Police officers later escorted him to Ireland, which he had vowed never to visit again.
Mr. Powell asked as the agents later escorted him into Federal District Court in Uniondale.