His style of governing or for that matter the lack thereof would be emulated by his Wanli Emperor later in the century.
His style of governance, or the lack thereof, would be emulated by his grandson later in the century.
New York is often first out of the box with education reforms that are later emulated in other states or at the federal level.
The film had a moral and supernatural theme, later emulated in Pale Rider.
The Ivory instruction set was later emulated in software for microprocessors implementing the 64-bit Alpha architecture.
This created the concept of a department-store parade that was later emulated in larger cities.
It was the first such Shtetl in America, and was later emulated by a number of other groups.
Though he utilized simple tactics that would be later emulated in many states, his dynasty survived for another 125 years.
These devices were later emulated on various types of equipment, including eventually the personal computer.
This institution, with its name, was later emulated by other powers and is reflected in the modern usage of the word (see Consul (representative)).