This action was later dramatized in the film Black Hawk Down.
The event was later dramatized in The Social Network.
Because of their high dramatic quality, many of these were later dramatized, with Ivkova slava, being the most successful.
These events were later dramatized in Shindo's biopic about Tonoyama, By Player.
The story was later dramatized as a Christmas episode of the first revival of The Twilight Zone.
The book and season was later dramatized in a two-hour made-for-ESPN movie that first aired in the spring of 2002.
It was later dramatized several times on the CBS Radio series Suspense.
This event was later dramatized in the 2000 film Cheaters.
The shooting was later dramatized in a November 1992 episode of the CBS series Top Cops.
The incident was later dramatized in the movie Serpico, starring Al Pacino in the title role.