In later documents it is often referred to as Granite Fort.
Niederbischoffen was then, in later documents, called simply Bischoffen.
However, the existence of this expedition has been dismissed by most modern historians, as being based on later forged documents.
The later document is from the 12th century and is the prose translation of the work.
He is mentioned in later documents, but always in the context of someone else representing him or acting on his behalf.
The younger James appears to have had no formal education, although later documents show that he could read and write as an adult.
As appears from later documents, he retained this post until his death on 6 June 1207.
Amazingly, the obvious misprint was not corrected in any later document nor mine plan.
Another son, Tydech, is named in a later document.
The book was also supplemented in the mid-19th century with further later documents.