The later creation of a backstory that conflicts with a previously written main story may require the adjustment device known as retroactive continuity.
Version 1 is the later creation, whereas version 2 was recorded "live" in the studio during the recording of the album in 1969.
The later creation of other electronic forums - the Usenet group rec.
At the outset these honours were merely purchased, but in later creations the augmentations came with the grants.
The mystery and wonder it expressed characterized all his later creations.
North Eastern was a later creation, the prospectus for the joint stock bank being issued in 1872.
It is open to debate whether this tablet really was part of the tomb of King Uzziah or simply a later creation.
Christian Universalism teaches that an eternal hell does not exist and is a later creation of the church with no biblical support.
The magazine champions poetry written in traditional patterns and is an influence in the later creation of the New Formalism movement.
The game Xargon, a later creation of Epic, was very similar in terms of gameplay.