The term "hunger march" was coined three years later in 1908.
This movement and consolidation formed the foundation for what was later coined as "big business."
The name was coined later, during the Kamakura period when the other two styles were born.
The modern, broader term polyamory was coined later, in the early 1990s.
He later coined the term "Big Five" as a label for the factors.
He later coined the term "stress", which has been accepted into the lexicon of various other languages.
The term "gap junction" appeared to be coined about 16 years later circa 1969.
The term "bee space" was coined later than Langstroth's 1852 patent.
He later coined a personal catchphrase "It's pretty swell" that became popular with his fan base.
Although the term "supply-side economics" may have been coined later, the idea was experimented with in the 1920s.