His call for a new spirit of experimental investigation was later codified and converted into a more concrete programme by Francis Bacon.
The Court's ruling established what came to be known as the "first-sale doctrine", which was later codified as 109(a) of the Copyright Act of 1976.
In 1965 Gordon Moore observed that silicon transistors were undergoing a continual process of scaling downward, an observation which was later codified as Moore's law.
In planning the digging, Eupalinos used what are now well-known principles of geometry, which were codified by Euclid several centuries later.
These sacrifices were later codified in the Law of Moses.
It was used as a system to set out a number of Le Corbusier's buildings and was later codified into two books.
The "trial preparations material"/work-product doctrine was later codified in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(b)(3).
These customary laws were later codified and put to print during the Dutch colonial rule as Thesavalamai in 1707.
Its observance was later codified by Public Law 87-20 on April 7, 1961.
They were later codified by Maimonides in the Mishneh Torah Hafla'ah, Nazir.