Bryan arrived quietly and took rooms at a modest hotel; the Nebraskan later calculated that he spent less than $100 while in Chicago.
We can later calculate our time of interception if and when I get a fix this morning.
In fact, it did take Joe a full minute to recuperate from the explosion, as he calculated later.
Onyos Felk calculated later that it had been a three-day blow: perhaps he was right.
Rashid Sunyaev later calculated the observable imprint that these inhomogeneities would have on the cosmic microwave background.
Camille was suddenly in free-fall for what felt like minutes; she later calculated that it was for just over three seconds.
From these facts, astronomers could calculate nine hundred years later the violence of the detonation.
The family later calculated it took six minutes for the tornado to flatten their house, demolish their cars and swallow most of their possessions.
Brown later calculated that he had made 100 speeches.
Spielberg later calculated that during the 12-hour daily work schedule, on average only four hours were actually spent filming.