According to the police, the teen-agers later bragged about keeping blacks out of the neighborhood.
The paper later bragged about letters and telegraphs of praise from as far away as Canada.
They even bragged about its often lethal effect later.
Townshend later bragged that booting Hoffman was "the most political thing I ever did."
The host later bragged about a record casino pit-drop of $20 million over two days.
Upham would later brag the Confederacy put a $10,000 reward on his capture, dead or alive.
Another, thirteen-year-old Andy Carlson, later bragged that he had held the horses during the robbery.
He later bragged about the double killing to a friend and took to wearing the dead woman's wedding ring on a chain around his neck.
Thaw later bragged that he had studied poker at Harvard.
Gheorghe would later brag to me, wagging his finger: "This is a country of lines.